Episode 049-2Sergeant R. Morgan Crihfield served in Operation Iraqi Freedom with the Texas Army National Guard. He is an alumnus of Midwestern State University with both a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and a Bachelor of Social Work as well as a Master of Science in Social Work from the University of Texas at Arlington. He currently works as a therapist specializing in Post Traumatic Stress and Depression. He currently lives in north Texas with his wife, children, and two lazy Labradors.

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Sergeant of the Guard: The Road in Iraq is the story of a Texas soldier’s journey of fear, danger, frustration, and loss served straight up with humor and honesty in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Driving thousands of miles in Iraq’s most dangerous bomb laced roads; this book paints a vivid portrait of one man’s experience of America at war. Proceeds support The War Writers’ Campaign and best-in-class veteran’s organizations.


Sergeant R. Morgan Crihfield served in Operation Iraqi Freedom with the Texas Army National Guard. He is an alumnus of Midwestern State University with both a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and a Bachelor of Social Work as well as a Master of Science in Social Work from the University of Texas at Arlington. He currently works as a therapist specializing in Post Traumatic Stress and Depression. He currently lives in north Texas with his wife, children, and two lazy Labradors.

War Writer’s Campaign publish collections of works whether they be poetry, narratives, fiction, non-fiction written by veterans , combat veterans, family members or spouses.  Writing has been very effective in reducing symptoms of post traumatic dress and depression. It helps the brain rewire that it takes it from a hot memory and very slowly makes it a cold memory through a process of cognitive processing therapy, also known as prolonged exposure therapy.

The organization was really instrumental in helping R. Morgan develop his narrative, Sergeant of the Guard: The Road in Iraq. It is the story of a Texas soldier’s journey of fear, danger, frustration, and loss served straight up with humor and honesty in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Driving thousands of miles in Iraq’s most dangerous bomb laced roads; this book paints a vivid portrait of one man’s experience of America at war. Proceeds support The War Writers’ Campaign and best-in-class veteran’s organizations. It was amazing to hear the feedback from other veterans who had such similar stories from their deployments.

The organization put in a lot of effort to war writers and make their work accessible to the American public. With the War Writer’s Campaign, 100% of all proceeds go to benefit for veterans. They take the proceeds and they put it right back to veterans again wither in developing more veteran writers, supporting mental health or logistical support for veterans in the community.

Published works will be available for a donation to The War Writers’ Campaign. And as the premier go-to non-profit publishing house for veteran and military story, we will use our funding to build and support mental health and veteran specific programs for our community.

They aim to build a supportive network of veterans, family members, and supporters nationwide, that will uplift and support our authors.  The Campaign will be a sounding board for veterans and their families to reach out for advocacy, awareness, and change in the veteran space and in the community.